Monday, 23 September 2013

Audience Profile

     Audience Profile


Michael is a 19 year old black British male; he works part time at footlocker and studies English at university. He enjoys watching films; his favourite genres are crime thrillers and romantic comedies. He watched films regularly, he goes to the cinema around 2-3 times a month and other times he stays at home and watches films on Netflix on his laptop. He is very into music and enjoys listening and
does so every day, his favourite artist is Kanye West although he listens to all types of genres and he gets his music via digital downloading on iTunes. He is very into anime and his favourite TV shows are Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. Michael doesn’t go shopping much but when he does he prefers to shop in Topman and Burton. In his spare time Michael looks for new music to listen to, watches films or spends time on Twitter.

Ashley is a 17 year old Spanish female who studies Media
Psychology and Sociology at college. Ashley enjoys watching films and her favourite genres are comedy, horror and action/crime thrillers. She watches films many times a week and she watches them on the internet, she only goes to the cinema around once every month or two. Ashley is a big fan of music and enjoys all genres but mainly rap music, her favourite artist is Tyler, the Creator. Ashley prefers to buy CD’s rather than digitally download albums; she uses her laptop and iPod to listen to music. Ashley’s favourite TV shows are Criminal Minds and
Regular Show which she watches every day. She enjoys going shopping every 2 weeks and her favourite places to shop are H&M and Topshop. In her spare time Ashley enjoys blogging on Tumblr, going out to eat with her friends and watching films.

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