Friday, 20 September 2013


‘Red’, a drug dealer, is seen exiting a room where someone is clearly being tortured. She scans the area, watching her young workers pack and sort cocaine. Red lights a cigarette, and then exits the warehouse through a back door. One of the newer workers (given the name Rookie), who doesn’t quite know the ropes, decides to steal some of the drugs in order to make some money on the side for herself. Red catches Rookie on her CCTV and sends one of her senior managers to search the girls just in case Rookie has passed on the drugs. The girls get back to work and Red emerges from her office, dismissing Rookie early, tricking her into believing that she had done a good job today and her reward is getting to go home early. On Rookies way home, she is put inside a van and taken back to the warehouse. Red threatens Rookie severely and then leads her to the room that she was seen emerging from the day before. Screaming and begging in heard from the room, the other workers continue working as if it is the norm. Silence is then heard. Red then exits the room, scans the area watching the young girls work, and then exits the warehouse through the back door.

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